viernes, 26 de marzo de 2021

Writing a paragraph


·         Do you have a healthy lifestyle?

Yes, I have

·         What do you usually do in your daily life to be healthy?

I usually do exercise 5 days a week, 3 of them are because I have Arabic dance's class all Tuesday, Thursday (from 6:30 to 8:00 pm) and Saturdays (from 12:00 to 1:00 pm), obviously I take them by Zoom in my home, but in normal times I usually go to our classroom.  I decide the other days in the week, I usually choose Mondays and Wednesday to exercise, but sometimes if I don’t have time for it, I choose Fridays or Sundays.

Also, I usually eat healthily, is very weird that in my house we eat fast food or in general something that is not prepared at home, we prefer to prepare our meals. For example, for breakfast, I usually eat a piece of fruit, juice or a smoothie and a small portion of some stew, for lunch I usually eat something cooked by my mom, it is always healthy and based on the plate of good eating, and for dinner, I usually eat something light, like a yogurt or a piece of fruit. I don’t usually drink water, but I’m working to change it and trying to drink at least 2 liters of
water a day.

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Interview to Gaël Monflis

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